The Tattooing World and Navigating its Rich Seas
Seeking for a local tattoo artist near you in Calgary
My name is Rosi Bert and I started my tattoo artist journey in 2020. I am now tattooing in Calgary at the iconic Smilin' Buddha on 17th ave. I am writing this blog as a mean to delve into my journey on a deeper level and to connect me to you. I'll bring you along my present journey, some stories of my past and my future hopes.
All things related to the beautiful and dark tattoo world!

My whole life has been devoted to tattooing and its world for the past couple years. The moment my skin started getting covered it was something that was inevitable; I would only get more and more tattooed. Tattoos became my obsession and I learned so much on what it means to commit your body to the obsession. I am now guiding my clients into making better choices for their own tattoos!
What is the right tattoo for one could be totally wrong for another, and part of my job is to ask the questions that will lead you to the right decision for your commitment.
Which leads me to the point of this blog post.
What is the Right Tattoo for You?
Wether it's your first or thirtieth tattoo, each tattoo creates a permanent impact in your life. It might be a smaller change like just having something new and beautiful to look at and that you can cherish on a personal level. It could also have a bigger impact in your life that changes the way people look at you on a broader level. See my informal guidance below on wise decision making for your next tattoo.
The First Question
I believe anyone should ask themselves when they are ready to get a new tattoo is
''how much of my skin do I want to commit to this tattoo?''
How big/small of an impact will this tattoo create in my life from this change (basically). From the placement, to the imagery, to the artist you choose, your budget, every element of a tattoo matters when making that decision. There is no right or wrong answer, but knowing your answer so you can make a conscious decision is the most important part. Even if your tattoo is just for shits and giggles, knowing how much of your body you want to commit to a specific vibe is the responsible path into making the right decision FOR YOU.
One you won't ever regret.
Enough of this serious PSA, I only tattoo adults, so I trust that this is a given. But this is always a good reminder.
Your First Tattoo
Choose something that you have no doubt that you LOVE. Even if you don't end up loving having a tattoo and this is the only tattoo you ever have. At least it is something you love with all your heart and you devoted yourself to whatever it is that you cherish on a skin deep level. That devotion act of itself is beautiful!
I think it's smart to explore the tattoo world one toe at a time because it is always easier to add than to remove. So size wise, I strongly suggest to go with something small first and learn how to care for a small tattoo before a big one. That being said, I've seen people getting a full sleeve as a first tattoo. To me it's pretty wild, but that fitted those people's personalities.
So to each it's own!
The Placement
Where you put the tattoo on your body can influence the time the tattoo will take. Some areas are more delicate to work and require a slower approach for the best result. Such as the ribs, throat, or ditches. When selecting those areas for placement make sure that you are aware that all areas are not made equal. Also if touch ups will be necessary or not. Any ''high traffic'' area, (meaning: parts of your body that moves, creases, sees the sun, is prone to clothing friction, a lot) will most likely require touch ups. For example, hands, wrist, ankle, elbow, knees, feet. Touch ups sessions are usually booked when the tattoo has healed within the first year of the tattoo's life.
Pain comes hand in hand with tattoos, wether it's during or while it heals. So don't focus your decision solely on the pain aspect. Tattoos can be done in multiple sessions if you think your tolerance might be lower. And so many pain tolerance techniques exists in the realm of mindfulness.
Another part to consider about placement is the meaning of where you put the design. For example, if you put the name of someone on your heart it might mean something different than putting it on a butt cheek! Also think if it will be for you to read it or for the world. You might want to consider if you want to put it at a spot that you will always see the tattoo or a spot that is more difficult to see. So much that you might forget from time to time that it's there!
Also, I believe that the tattoos done on the ''trunk'' of the body (head, neck, chest, back, pelvis) are more sacred because you cannot live without those parts of the body.
Another important part of placement to consider sadly, is how the tattoo will impact people's judgment on your life. Way less nowadays, but still today if you get a visible face/throat tattoo for example your tattoo might change people's perception of you and limit you in some aspects of your life. Or if your visible tattoos are quite obscene or shocking(nothing wrong with that) you might get looked at more than you did before you had those tattoos. Again, there is nothing wrong with getting visible tattoos wherever you want them of whatever you want. I suggest to explore that facet of society one tattoo at a time to a speed that feels comfortable.
The placement is more than just slapping the design on the body, make sure you communicate with your artist on the vibe you're going for and see how the placement can enhance the final feel of your piece.
The Imagery/Design
The image you choose will be the base for the vibe of your body and how you express your personality. If your tastebuds are more vibrant, colour tattoos might be well suited for you. Are you more detailed oriented or more of an abstract thinker? So many questions to ask yourself and see how your visual puzzle is constituted!
If you are in the search for something unique and original I strongly advise against typing ''tattoo idea'' or ''tattoo of ...'' on google or pinterest. I would stay away from even typing ''tattoo'' in your search bar. Instead, See what image keep sticking in your mind and what your eyes are attracted to when you're on instagram or in books if you read, or in your day to day life. Chances are that what you are attracted to have high significance in your life and it will make it even more unique to you if you get inspired by your own experience rather than other people's. And when you know what symbol/image you want, you search for the image of your taste from all types of reference pictures (not just tattoos).
For bonus point ask your tattoo artist to take that reference and recreate that image in their style! Your artist might even have ready to tattoo designs that are completely unique and never tattooed before.
HOWEVER, there's nothing wrong in getting a popular image. For example, butterflies has been one of THE most tattooed design of all time and it still is! Doesn't mean it worst or better. I call those designs ''The Classics'' the ones that never go out of style and has been tattooed thousands of time. Make sure to check with your artist that the art you bring them is not copy-writed (especially for illustrative styles) If it is an image coming from a different artist than your tattoo artist, I suggest seeing if the original artist tattoos near you and go to them instead, if they don't tattoo perhaps buying merch from them, as well as asking permission to get the design tattooed. If you can't source the original image it is likely that you won't find the original artist and at that point it's not worth more looking into. Then, I'd suggest to ask for your artist to rework it into their style to avoid any copy-write law infringement.
You can even let the universe decide what your tattoo will be with a ''GET WHAT YOU GET'' tattoo! There's the gum-ball machines, the dies, cards, Panko, darts, and so many more luck based game that dictates what your tattoo will be. Those types of tattoos are usually to a set size (usually palm size) , discounted and not customizable. Ask your artist if they do any of them and what their process is as the rules are different for every artist! Those games makes for a very fun, exciting and spontaneous session.
Understanding what you want for your image to be on your body is one of the crucial step of the decision making. As we say, an image is worth a thousand words.
Choosing Your Tattoo Artist
To choose your artist, see for someone that is at a realistic distance from you. If you want big work done, it might be more convenient to choose a local artist that you can see multiple time easily. However if travelling is no big deal for you, by all mean, the world is your oyster!
The most important factor to consider when choosing your artist is the trust you have in them. Ask to see healed work, any question you might have about their process they should be able to answer. See how you mesh with the artist during your consultation. At the end of the tattoo, their energy will be embedded in that tattoo and will live on with you so you should at least not hate them.
Booking for a consult is often the best way to see the vibe without the pressure of the commitment!
Budget, Size, and Style
Now that you know what design you want, where you want it and by whom, you can get a better idea of how much your tattoo will cost. Colour, details, bigger size, difficult placement can dramatically bring up the cost of a tattoo. So if you are working on a tighter budget it might be wise to discuss it with your artist so you can work on a vision at your price range. Lots of shop work with minimum prices for tiny tattoos, and each artist usually make their own prices. Some artist work per hour and some put flat prices (often for flashes). Make sure you talk money with your artist during your consult to avoid any unpleasant surprise. You can find my price list on my ''BOOK WITH ME'' section of my website.
Remember that by looking for a cheap tattoo you might be compromising on the quality or the integrity of your vision. I cannot stress enough that a tattoo will be on you for the rest of your life, hopefully, and saving and planning for it is a way smarter decision rather than rushing it. However, keep checking with your favourite local artists as they sometimes offer promotions that can allow you to get the same great tattoo at a better price for a limited time.
Happy Tattooing!
Getting tattooed is about getting beautiful and expressing yourself. A lot of it comes down to decision making at the end of the day and that is a skill that can be practiced and mastered like any other skills! Make sure to consider the most important facets of this big decision. But most importantly, do that it feels right for you!
I hope that you found this post insightful, please take in only what resonates and you can leave the rest. If you'd like to book a consult, a tattoo appointment, or a touch up you can do so by visiting this page you can also drop in/call at Smilin Buddha during my studio hours.
Wednesday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday 1PM-6PM
Ouf you are a trouper if you made it all the way to the conclusion! Thank you!
I hope to see you soon!